Suresh Rohan
Suresh Rohan
Structure-inspired engineering of new enzymes for non-natural C-C bond-forming reactions
Host/Lead University: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kai Tittmann
Secondments: University of Groningen; Zymvol
My inclination towards enzymes began with some very interesting coursework related to Biochemistry and Bio-Organic Chemistry at IISER, Pune. My MS thesis in rational design of riboflavin kinases propelled me further in this direction. I am currently excited to begin working on this project which combines crystallography, rational design, and molecular modeling for “Enzyme Engineering”. In my free time, I like watching geopolitical, travel, or language-based content on the internet. My most recent hobby is trying to practice and learn German in the streets of Göttingen. I also enjoy swimming but the European weather does not feel warm enough for a comfortable swim. If I would not have become a scientist, I might have become a Sanskrit scholar or a medical doctor. I can get really enthusiastic about tea breaks at any time of the day (or night)! I really do not like cold and damp weather. My goal after the DN is to continue with similar projects thereby broadening my knowledge base and also contributing to knowledge generation.