Flora Maria Bindreiter

Flora Maria Bindreiter
Biocatalytic cascades combining C-C and N-N ligation
Host/Lead University: RWTH Aachen University
Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dörte Rother
Secondments: University of Göttingen; Ruhr-University Bochum; SpinChem
I am a food technologist and biotechnologist, did my master and summer jobs in food technology as well as an extended research internship in biotechnology. My subject-specific interests are broad: I am curious about process technologies and the underlying biological systems, striving to learn more, dividing issues into their parts, and at times being enthusiastic about understanding things in detail. If I’m not in the lab, I often can be found in nature going for a walk. Beyond that, I’m also interested in social aspects: If I had not become a scientist, I might have become a doctor or a teacher. What I could not imagine were purely administrative jobs. In the end, I decided in favour of sciences, and I strive to stay there after the Doctoral Network. Seeing how sciences increasingly find their way into the economy, I hope for many opportunities for me in that exciting and collaborative field!