January 30, 2024
Today in the Meet the DCs series… Annika Hein!
Hello everybody! Annika here, the newest member of the BiodeCCodiNNg Doctoral Network. In December 2023, I traded the German Baltic Sea for the Dutch North Sea when I moved from Greifswald to Groningen to start a new chapter in my life. I am still at the very beginning of my PhD journey and in my first weeks here my days were shaped by the organization of my life at the University of Groningen on the one hand and rushing from apartment viewing to apartment viewing on the other hand. This way I got to see a lot of Groningen already but I cannot say that it was much fun to me. 🌍🏙
Now, I have managed to finally find a place to stay and I am very much looking forward to diving into the fascinating world of enzyme engineering and working with all the other doctoral candidates to elucidate CC and NN bond-forming enzymes. At the moment, I spend most of my time at my desk focusing on literature research (and writing posts like this one) but I am looking forward to finally starting in the lab with my first experiments. In the photo, you can see me on a tour through the labs already. On top of that, I am excited to finally enjoy the nice sides of the beautiful city of Groningen and to get to know the city and the people I work with. I feel very welcome already and I am positive that the next three years will be an exciting time. See you!📑👩🔬 ⚗
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